
Campground tax break

Whereas after nine years of this Liberal-NDP government, life is unaffordable, and Canadians deserve a break; Whereas Canada is home to over 5600 campgrounds that are enjoyed by over 70% of Canadians who actively participate in outdoor and wilderness activities;

Whereas these businesses employ over 140,000 Canadians and operate on very thin margins making reinvestment for facilities and upkeep hard to manage;

Whereas Justin Trudeau may be able to fly off to a luxury resort for a $230,000 taxpayer-funded vacation, but most Canadians only hope to get outdoors and under the stars with their families for a few nights;

Whereas the NDP-Liberals refuse the camping industry’s cries for help while taxing them out of existence, Conservatives have provided a solution.

Therefore we the undersigned call on the NDP-Liberal government to support the common sense Conservative bill that will cut taxes for campgrounds by recognizing them as small businesses, which will allow them to have extra capital to use towards conservation, facilities maintenance, managing wildlife, recovery from the elements, and increasing services to campers.

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