Ottawa, ON – Today, the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) once again confirmed that the NDP-Liberal carbon tax is impoverishing Canadians. In a new PBO report released this morning, they confirmed that Canadians will suffer a “net cost,” paying more in the carbon tax than they will ever get back in rebates. This proves what Common Sense Conservatives have been saying all along – the carbon tax is nothing more than an expensive scam.

On top of this, the PBO confirmed that the NDP-Liberal tax will cost the average person $652 in Newfoundland and Labrador, $575 in PEI, $580 in Nova Scotia, $457 in New Brunswick, $903 in Ontario, $693 in Manitoba, $894 in Saskatchewan, and $697 in Alberta. Despite what Justin Trudeau says, it is indisputable that the carbon tax makes most Canadians poorer.

But the NDP-Liberal Government doesn’t care. Instead of giving Canadians the relief they deserve, Trudeau decided to hike his carbon tax by 23 percent last spring, as part of his plan to quadruple the carbon tax by 2030. And all the while Trudeau was punishing Canadians with this tax, he pretended that it was somehow making Canadians richer.

But now, the NDP-Liberal Government can no longer peddle this lie to Canadians. As the PBO wrote, “the average household in each of the backstop provinces will see a net cost, paying more in the federal fuel charge and related Goods and Services Tax, as well as receiving lower incomes (due to the fuel charge), compared to the Canada Carbon Rebate they receive.”

This corroborates the NDP-Liberal Government’s own data, which they tried to hide from Canadians, showing that the carbon tax will cost the Canadian economy $30.5 billion per year by 2030.